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Young Teachers' Association of School of Computer Science and Information Technology Organized Cybersecurity Forum and the Second Issue of "Houji Forum" of School of Computer Science and Information Technology
發布日期:2024-06-20 9:06:35   發布人:

At 14:00 on June 9, School of Computer and Information Engineering Young Teachers' Association held a cyber security forum and the second phase of the Thick Skills Forum of the School of Computer and Information Engineering in Room 916 of Building 28, inviting Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Jordan, Germany, to give a lecture on Intrusion Detection System Based on Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect the DDoS Attack in the IoT Network and the topic of DDoS Attack in the IoT Network. Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Jordan, Germany, was invited to give a lecture on Intrusion Detection System Based on Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect the DDoS Attack in the IoT Network and Distributed Self-Soverexploitation. Distributed Self-Sovereign-Based Access Control System. The forum was moderated by Associate Prof. Zeng Wen from School of Computer Science and Information Technology.

In their report, Associate Professor Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair states that combating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Internet of Things (IoT) networks is essential to enhance cybersecurity. They proposed a new predictive model for predicting and mitigating DDoS attacks in IoT environments. Using a carefully curated subset of malicious scenarios, descriptive analysis is employed in conjunction with various decision tree algorithmic models to achieve robust performance with minimal complexity. This approach involves comprehensive data collection including IoT device parameters, network traffic characteristics, and tagging data indicative of DDoS attacks or normal behavior. The effectiveness of the decision tree algorithm is explored through rigorous data preprocessing, model training and evaluation. The performance of the model is also validated using confusion metrics by utilizing cross-validation techniques and the proposed model gives good results in real-time DDoS attack detection.

The young teachers and graduate students had a deeper understanding of DDoS attacks and how to detect and respond to such attacks, and in the interactive session, they enthusiastically raised their questions, and he answered them brilliantly. In addition, Associate Professor Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair discussed with the teachers after the meeting about the prospects of cooperation between the two universities as well as the two colleges in the areas of joint training of graduate students and exchange of teachers' visits.

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