














沐鸣2娱乐電子信息專碩點建設負責人,計算機科學與技術校重點學科負責人。2001年博士畢業於北京航空航天大學計算機科學計算機軟件與理論專業,2003年中科院軟件所博士後出站,2005-2006年加拿大西安大略大學客座教授。南京航空航天大學計算機科學與技術博士研究生導師🍍,國際信息處理IFIP組織TC WG8.9與WG8.13委員;中國電子學會高級會員🚶🏻‍➡️、中國CCF/ACM高級會員⛷、CCF協同計算專委委員🅿️,上海計算機學會協同與信息服務專委副主任👨‍🚀。主持和承擔完成國家自然科學基金項目👩‍🦲、國家863計劃項目5項,主持省部級自然科學基金、省部級科技攻關項目4項,主持教育廳科技計劃重點和一般項目2項;獲省部級科技進步獎和上海市自然科學獎等三等獎2項🏇🏻,浙江省高校科技成果獎三等獎2項;在國內外重要學術刊物(如《IEEE Trans. Services Computing》、《IEEE Trans. Parallel and DistributedSystems》♨️、《IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL》👸🏿、《IEEE Systems Journal》、《IEEE Trans. SMCC》、《Journal of Industrial Information Integration》、《Applied Soft Computing Journal》、《Computers in Industry》、《Information Systems Frontiers》和《軟件學報》等)和國際/國內會議上發表論文200多篇,被SCI索引50多篇。指導博士研究生6名,碩士研究生40余名,工程碩士20余名💅。



1. WenAn Tan, Weiming Shen. A Methodology for Dynamic Enterprise Process Performance Evaluation,Computers in Industry, 2007, 5(58):474-485

2. WenAn Tan, Weiming Shen,Lida Xu, A Business Process Intelligence System for Enterprise Process Performance Management,IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics—Part C,2008, 11,38(6):745-756

3. WenAn Tan,ChuanQun Jiang, Ling Li, etc.,Role-Oriented Process-Driven Enterprise Cooperative Work Using the Combined Rule Scheduling Strategies,Information System Frontiers👩‍🦼‍➡️,2008,10:519-529

4. Lida Xu, WenAn Tan, Weiming Shen, An Approach to Enterprise Process Dynamic Modeling Supporting Enterprise Process EvolutionInformation System Frontiers2008,10:611-624

5. Wenan Tan, Yicheng Xu, Wei Xu, Xianhua Zhao, A Methodology Towards MGrid-Based Virtual Enterprise Operation Platform🧢,Enterprise Information Systems2010,8,4(3): 283–309

6. Wenan Tan, Wei Xu, Fujun Yang, Lida Xu, Feng Xu,ARole-OrientedServiceSystem Architecture for Enterprise Process Collaboration,Computersand Operations Research, August 2012,39(8): 1893-1900

7. Wenan Tan,Xiang Wen, Chuanqun Jiang, Yi DUXiaoming HU. An Evaluation Model Integrating User Trust and Capability for Selection of Cooperative Learning Partners.Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2012, 21(1):42-46.

8. Wenan Tan, Wei Xu,  Fujun Yang,A Framework for Service Enterprise Workflow Simulation with Multi-Agents Cooperation,Enterprise Information Systems2013,7(4): 523-542

9. WenAn Tan, Yong Sun, Ling Xia Li, GuangZhen Lu, and Tong Wang, A Trust Evaluation Model for E-learning Systems,System Research BehaviorScience, 2014(31), 353–365

10. WenAn Tan, Yong Sun, Ling Xia Li, GuangZhen Lu, Tong Wang, Larisa Bulysheva,A Trust Service-Oriented Scheduling Model for Workflow Applications in Cloud Computing,IEEE Systems Journal, 2014,8(3):868-878

11. Wenan Tan, Senbo Chen, Leer Li, Ling Xia Li, Anqiong Tang, Tong Wang, A method toward dynamic e-learning services modeling and the cooperative learning mechanism,Information Technology Management, 2017,18(6):119-130

12. Yong Sun,Wenan Tan,Lingxia Li, etc., A new method to identify collaborative partners in social service provider networks,Information System Frontiers,(2016) 18:565–578

13. Wenan Tan, Senbo Chen, Leer Li, Ling Xia Li, Anqiong Tang, Tong Wang, A method toward dynamic e-learning services modeling and the cooperative learning mechanism,Information Technology and Management, 2017,18(6):119-130

14. Huang, LTan, WA and Sun, YCollaborative recommendation algorithm based on probabilistic matrix factorization in probabilistic latent semantic analysis,MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2019 |78 (7):8711-8722

15. Sun, Y and Tan, EN,A trust-aware task allocation method using deep q-learning for uncertain mobile crowdsourcing,HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2019,9(4)

16. Sun, Y and Tan, WA.Combining Spatial Optimization and Multi-Agent Temporal Difference Learning for Task Assignment in Uncertain Crowdsourcing,INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS, 2020 22 (6) :1447-1465

17. Chen, Senbo Tan, Wenan.Influence Diffusion Model in Multiplex NetworksCMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 2020 64(1): 345-358 (SCI JCR Q1)

18. Wenan Tan, Yao Zhao, Xiaoming Hu, Lida Xu, Anqiong Tang & Tong Wang (2019) A method towards Web service combination for cross-organisational business process using QoS and cluster,Enterprise Information Systems,2019,13(5):631-649 

19. Wenan Tan, Lu Zhao, Lida Xu, Li Huang & Na Xie,Method towards discovering potential opportunity information during cross-organisational business processes using role identification analysis within complex social network,Enterprise Information Systems, 2020, 14(4):436–462

20. Lu Zhao,Wenan Tan, Lida Xu, Na Xie, and Li Huang,Crowd-Based Cooperative Task Allocation via Multi-criteria Optimization and Decision-Making,IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, 2020,14(3): 3904-3915

21. Lu Zhao, Wenan Tan, Na Xie, Li Huang,An optimal service selection approach for service-oriented business collaboration using crowd-based cooperative computing, Applied Soft Computing Journal92 (2020) 106270 

22. Wenan Tan, Li Huang, Mikhail Yu. Kataev, Yong Sun, Lu Zhao, Hai Zhu, Kai Guo Na Xie. Method towards reconstructing collaborative business processes with Cloud services using Evolutionary Deep Q-Learning,Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 21 (2021) 100189

23. Na Xie, Wenan Tan, Xianrong Zheng, Lu Zhao, Li Huang, Yong Sun. An efficient two-phase approach for reliable collaboration-aware service composition in cloud manufacturing.Journal of Industrial Information Integration23 (2021) 100211

24. Kai Guo, Shanshan Hu, Hai Zhu, Wenan Tan. Industrial information integration method to vehicle routing optimization using grey target decision. Journal of Industrial Information Integration27 (2022) 100336

25. Lu Zhao, Wenan Tan, Bo Li, Qiang He, Li Huang, Yong Sun, Lida Xu, and Yun Yang. Joint Shareability and Interference for Multiple Edge Application Deployment in Mobile-Edge Computing Environment.IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, VOL. 9, NO. 3: 1762- 1774, FEBRUARY 1, 2022

26. Wenan Tan, Lu Zhao, Bo Li, Lida Xu, and Yun Yang, Multiple Cooperative Task Allocation in Group-Oriented Social Mobile Crowdsensing,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING, DOI 10.1109/TSC.2021.3086097

27. Lu Zhao, Wenan Tan, Bo Li, Lida Xu, and Yun Yang, Multiple Cooperative Task Assignment on Reliability-Oriented Social Crowdsourcing,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING, DOI 10.1109/TSC.2021.3103636

28. Weinan Niu, Wenan Tan, Wei Jia. CS-BTM: a semantics-based hot topic detection method for social network.Applied Intelligence,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-022-03500-9

29. Weinan Niu, Wenan Tan, Wei Jia, Lu Zhao, and Na Xie, Crisis Assessment oriented Influence Maximization in Social Networks,IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems,2022 Online Published

30. Lu Zhao, Bo Li, Wenan Tan, Guangming Cui, Qiang He, Xiaolong Xu, Lida Xu, and Yun Yang. Joint Coverage-Reliability for Budgeted Edge Application Deployment in Mobile Edge Computing Environment.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 2022 Online

31. Kai Guo, Shanshan Hu, Hai Zhu, Wenan Tan. Industrial information integration method to vehicle routing optimization using grey target decision. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 27 (2022) 100336.

32. Deepanjal Shrestha, Tan Wenan, Bijay Gaudel, Neesha Rajkarnikar, and Seung Ryul Jeong. Digital Tourism Business Ecosystem: Artifacts, Taxonomy and Implementation Aspects. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST). ISSN: 2347-5552, Volume-9, Issue-5, September 2021

33. Towards a Statistical Model Checking Method for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical System Verification, Security and Communication Networks, WOS:000669011600002(SCI, 1.791)2021CCF C

34. SysML-based Compositional Verification and Safety Analysis for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems, Connection Science, 2021

35. Na Xie , Wenan Tan, Lu Zhao, Li Huang, and Yong SunBudgeted Edge Service Selection in Mobile Edge Computing Environment, IEEE SYSTEM JOURNAL, 2022 Online DOI 10.1109/JSYST.2022.3206490

36. Yong Sun, Yi Long, Lida Xu, Wenan Tan, Li Huang, Lu Zhao, and Wenzhen Liu, Long-term Matching Optimization with Federated Neural Temporal Difference Learning in Mobility-On-Demand Systems,IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, 2022 Online, DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3206491

37. 譚文安,周伯生,張莉.企業過程模型的柔性模擬技術研究.軟件學報, 2001,12(7): 1080~1087. (EI AN:E2002206947147)  CCF A類

38. 譚文安,周伯生,李明樹,王強.基於模擬的企業過程模型自動優化技術研究.軟件學報, 2002,13(4): 705~710. (EI AN:E2002397116126)CCF A類

39. 孫勇,譚文安,金婷,周亮廣😴,基於在線聚類的協同作弊團體識別方法計算機研究與發展2018-06-15☝️,55(6):1320—133220 1 8CCF A類

40. 孫勇,譚文安🔝👨‍👩‍👦‍👦,支持社會協同計算的跨組織工作流任務分派算法,計算機研究與發展,2017,54(9):1865-1879 CCF A類



41. 譚文安,電商商品智能推薦服務系統,軟件著作權2022SR1092324, 2022-08-11

42. 譚文安, 基於神經網絡的大數據處理可視化平臺, 軟件著作權2022SR1096185, 2022-08-11

43. 林瑞欽,譚文安.基於TensorFlow訓練的人臉識別登錄系統,軟著登字第6735798號,2021年01月04日

44. 林瑞欽,譚文安.面向思科DNAC網絡設備運維監控系統,軟著登字第6879870號,2021年01月28日

45. 林瑞欽,譚文安,基於EAIDK-310的自動駕駛小車集成控製系統,軟著登字第7978590號,2021年08月24日

46. 張露,譚文安,林瑞欽,物流園區閘道收費系統, 軟著登字第8091033號,2021-09-13 

47. 林瑞欽,譚文安. 企業知識文檔分類綜合管理系統, 軟著登字第8010040號,2021年08月30日

48. 基於並行分層的工作流調度仿真平臺🫃🏻,軟件著作權,第0835269號,登記號2014SR166033, 2014.3.23

49. 電子家譜與家譜文化資源管理系統🧑🏻‍💼,軟著登字第1238962號,登記號2016SR060345, 2016年3月23日🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒。



1.   復雜社會網絡跨組織業務過程挖掘及其動態優化模型研究,國家自然科學基金(61672022),2016-2020🍤,主持人。

2. “跨組織工作流系統可靠服務計算關鍵技術研究”🧜🏿‍♂️,國家自然科學基金(61272036),2013. 01至2016 .12☂️,主持人。

3. “基於BPI的復雜企業計算方法與預測分析技術”,國家自然科學基金(60874120)🏄🏻,2009-2011年🏌🏽‍♂️,主持人。

4. “CSCL機理、知識共享機製及其協同學習平臺軟件研究”🤸,上海市教育委員會科研創新項目重點:11ZZ188)🚹,2010.11-2012.10,主持人😲。

5.  “復雜企業調度問題的過程柔性模擬與資源動態優化配置算法研究,浙江省自然科學基金項目(Y106039)🏋🏻‍♂️,2007-2009👭🏻,主持人

6. “綜合化航電軟件安全性/可靠性分析技術研究”🧑🏿‍🔧👨‍🔬,航空科學基金重點項目(20081952014),2008/1-2010/12,主持人

7. “復雜企業資源計劃系統中業務過程智能與預測分析技術研究”😜𓀈,上海市科委白玉蘭科技人才基金(2009B049),主持人

8. “新農村信息化綜合信息服務集成平臺總體解決方案與關鍵技術攻關”,教育部留學歸國人員啟動基金,2007-2008,主持人

9. “面向製造企業的業務過程智能技術研究,浙江省教育廳高校科技計劃重點項目(20060491)🕵🏿,2007/1-2008/12,主持人

10. “浙師大成信第三方物流管理軟件ZC-3PL”,浙江省科委新產品計劃項目(2006D60SA700373),金華市成信消費服務有限公司







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